Mike Rhodes
Michael Rhodes was born in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada and has been trained in all styles of dance at an early age. From the age of 13, he added Hip Hop to his repertoire and from then, there was no looking back.
Michael has been dancing professionally in the entertainment industry in various music videos, live shows, and movies and has worked with entertainers such as Janet Jackson, Justin Bieber, Demi Lovato, Lady Gaga, Jacob Latimore, and more. He has a reputation as being one of Canada’s most prestigious and “asked for” dancers.
Michael now resides in Los Angeles, California where he continues to pursue his dance career.
Michael is the proud director of Phoenix Dance Competition. Dance is something that has always been around Michael, and he hopes to share his passion and knowledge for dance. Given his dance background, Michael wants to bridge the gap between “studio” and “professional” dancers. He ultimately wishes to help provide amazing opportunities to dancers like he has been so lucky to have been given.