Event Media
Welcome to our media download site. If you attended one of our events, please select the appropriate event below and input your media key. All keys are based on the performers name and date of birth. It is the first two intials of the first name, the complete last name and the date of birth as a 6 digit number format.
For example: Jane Smith born on March 03 2015 would have a key of – jasmith030315
You will be presented with a gallery of all of the routines the performer was in. Clicking on each routine in the gallery will present you all of the images and videos of that particular routine. The video download link is located direcly under the video once you’ve selected the video.
In the top corner of the images will be a little cloud with a down arrow, this is your download button. Browse the gallery and click on that icon over each image to download select images or simply click “Download All” to download all of the media for the particular routine. These will be saved to your browsers download directory so please check your browser settings to know where that is.
If your keyword does not work, there is a good chance the date of birth or performer name is misspelled. Please reach out to us and we can provide you the proper key and update your performers information in our system for future events.
Every event can generate a LOT of media and as we travel we do our best to upload the media as quickly as possible. If your media isn’t available immediately, please give us a couple days post event to get the files uploaded. We value your patience in providing you this service.